Basic Computer Lecture

Basic Computer-

What is Computers :
     A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, recover, and process data.
    Input data Processing Output data .  
Input, Processing, Output-rahman academy20

  History of Computers :
    (a) 1822 and 1834 Charles Babbage The first mechanical computer.
    (b) 1840 Augusta Ada Byron use the binary system & She writes programs for the Analytical Engine
   (c) 1843 Per Georg Scheutz The first printing calculator machine (Based on Charles Babbage's difference engine)
    (d) 1890 Herman Hollerith Tabulating Machine
    (e) 1943 Howard H. Aiken Havard Mark 1 (The first electro mechanical computer) IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC).
    (f) 1936 to 1938 Konrad Zuse The first programmable computer(Z1).
   (g) 1939 and 1942 Professor John Atanasoff The first electronic digital computing device (Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC))
    (h) 1946 John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchl The first electronic general purpose computer (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC))
    (i) J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly The first commercial computer (UNIVersal Automatic Computer 1 (UNIVAC I))
    (j) 1952 Von Neumann The First Stored Program Computer (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer(EDVAC))
    (k) 1981 The Osborne Computer Corporation The First Portable Computer (Osborne 1)
Generation of computers :
      1940 – 1956:  1st Generation – Vacuum Tubes
      1956 – 1963: 2nd Generation – Transistors
      1964 – 1971: 3rd Generation – Integrated Circuits
      1972 – 2010: 4th Generation – Microprocessors
      2010 -  : 5th  Generation – Artificial Intelligence
Various uses of Computers:
          (a) Education
          (b) Health and Medicine
          (c) Financial Institutions
          (d) Business and Corporate Stages
          (e) E-Commerce and Many more sector ........
Kinds of Computer:
 The 04(four) basic types of computers -
(a) Super Computer- The most powerful computers in performance and data processing. For Example- like NASA uses supercomputers for launching space shuttles, controlling and space exploration purpose. The most powerful Super Computers in the world. Like-

1. Tianhe - 2, China

Tianhe-2 China-rahman academy20

2. Titan, Cray Inc.

United States

Titan-rahman academy20

 3. Sequoia, IBM.

United States

Sequoia, IBM-rahman academy20

 4. k Computer, Fujitsu,


K Computer-rahman academy20

 5. Mira, IBM,

United States

Mira, IBM-rahman academy20

 (b) Mainframe Computer - Mainframes are not as powerful as supercomputers, but certainly they are quite expensive and many large firms & government organizations uses Mainframes to run their business operations. Banks educational institutions & insurance companies use mainframe computers to store data about their customers, students & insurance policy holders. Popular Mainframe computers for Example – (1) Fujitsu’s ICL VME (2) Hitachi’s Z80
(c) Mini Computer- Minicomputers are used by small businesses & firms. Minicomputers are also called as “Midrange Computers”. For example- A production department can use Mini-computers for monitoring certain production process. Popular Minicomputers - (1) K-202, (2)Texas Instrument TI-990, (3) SDS-92, (4) IBM Midrange computers.
(d) Micro Computer- Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets & Smartphone's are all types of microcomputers. The micro-computers are widely used & the fastest growing computers. The Micro-computers are specially designed for general usage like entertainment, education and work purposes. Well known manufacturers of Micro-computer are Dell, Apple, Samsung, Sony , Toshiba, Lenovo & many more. 
  Structure of Computers: The main structural elements associated with a computer system are as follows:
(a) Central Processing Unit (CPU) - data processing and control
(b) Main Memory (primary storage) - stores data
(c) Secondary Storage - stores permanent data
(d) Input and Output (I/O) devices - moves data between the computer and its external environment.
 Input Device-         Keyboard, Mouse, Microphone etc.
Output Device-     Monitor, Printer, Speaker etc.
(e) System interconnection - provides mechanism for communication among various components
Structure of computer-rahman academy20

Hardware & Software:
          Hardware- Computer hardware are the physical parts or components of a computer, such as the central processing unit, monitor, keyboard, computer data storage, graphic card, sound card and motherboard.
          Software- Computer software, on the other hand, is not something you can touch. Software is a set of instructions for a computer to perform specific operations.       You need both hardware and software for a computer system to work. Exe- windows, bijoy52, office 2007 etc.

Software, Heardware-rahman academy20

Maintenance of Computers:
Kw¤úDUvi‡K fvjfv‡e cwi¯‹vi cwi”Qbœ ivL‡Z n‡e| hv‡Z Kw¤úDUv‡i ayjvevwj bv R‡g| ¯^v¯’¨ m¤§Z cwi‡e‡k msiÿY Ki‡Z n‡e| c`©v ev Wv÷ Kfvi w`‡q †X‡K ivL‡Z n‡e| cÖwZw`b Kw¤úDUvi cwi¯‹vi Ki‡Z n‡e| Kw¤úDUv‡ii MwZ e„w× Kivi Rb¨ mßv‡n/cÖwZw`bB ivb †cÖvMÖvg Pvjy K‡i GB KgvÛ ¸‡jv e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| 
†hgb- %temp%, temp, tree, recent. GQvovI Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter Pvjy K‡i Kw¤úDUvi †K dv÷ Kiv hvq| 
Devices of Personal Computer:
The common components of a desktop PC are:
Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Hard Disk Drive, Floppy disk drive, CD/DVD drive, Speakers,
How to Start Computer
(K) we`y¨‡Zi mKj ms‡hvM Ges Kw¤úDUvi Gi mKj K¨vej Kv‡bkb ms‡hvM †`qvi ci-
              (check & Connect all electrical plugs, computers cable)
(L) wmwcBD Gi ÷vU© evUb/‡evZvg G Pvc‡jB Kw¤úDUvi A‡Uv‡gwUK fv‡e Pvjy n‡e|
            (Press power switch button)
(M) wPÎ mv`„k t Kw¤úDUv‡ii ÷vU©/myBP †evZvg Pvcyb
Switch button-rahman academy20
⧫  How to Close Computer
(K) Kw¤úDUv‡ii mg¯Í dvBj I ‡cÖvMÖvg Save/msiÿY Kivi ci Kw¤úDUviwU eÜ Ki‡Z nq|
(L) Kw¤úDUvi eÜ Kivi wbqg t Click Start Button Click shut down/Turn Off.
(M) Restart : cybivq Kw¤úDUvi Pvjy Kivi Rb¨ Restart Button G wK¬K Ki‡Z nq|
   wPÎ †`Lyb 
Start, Close-rahman academy20

⧫  How to Open Office Programs:
(K) ‡h Awdm †cÖvMÖvgwU‡Z KvR Ki‡Z PvB †mB †cÖvMÖvgwU ivb Ki‡Z n‡e|
(L) ‡cÖvMÖvg ivb/Pvjy Kivi wbqgt Click Start Button Click All programs Click Microsoft Office Click Any Programs (As you Like) –
                                      ➧ Microsoft Word :
                                      Microsoft Excel :
                                      Microsoft PowerPoint:
⧫  Basic Knowledge of Microsoft Word:
          What is Microsoft Word?
          Microsoft Word is a word processing program. It is developed by Microsoft Corporation of USA. It’s Provides to us Word Processing, Printing, Compose, Drawing, Art etc.  
      ‡h md&&UIq¨vi IqvW© †K cÖ‡mm K‡i Zv‡K IqvW© cÖ‡mwms md&&UIq¨vi e‡j| gvB‡µvmd&&U IqvW© n‡”Q IqvW© cÖ‡mwms md&&UIq¨vi| gvB‡µvmd&&U IqvW© Gi dvBj G·‡Ubkb n‡”Q - .doc, .docx
      gvB‡µvmd&&U IqvW© †cÖvMÖvg Gi ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Kvh©evjx/e¨envi-
          1| ‡h †Kvb ai‡bi wPwVcÎ, `wjj-`¯Ív‡eR, cÖKvkbv ev †W·Uc msµvšÍ Kvh©vejx
              m¤úv`b Kiv hvq|
          2| Awdm Gwm÷¨v›U Gi mKj KvR IqvW© cÖ‡mwms †cÖMÖvg Gi mvnv‡h¨ Kiv nq|
          3| ‡Uwej I wdì e¨envi K‡i wewfbœ WvUv‡eR ‰Zix Kiv nq|
          4| wewfbœ ai‡bi cÖ‡R± dvBj ˆZix Kiv hvq|
          5| Ab¨vb¨ †cÖvMÖvg Gi KvR‡K mnRfv‡e Dc¯’vc‡bi Rb¨ ‡h WKz‡g›Um‡K
              e¨envi Dc‡hvMx Kivi Kv‡R e¨envi Kiv nq|
How to Open & Close Microsoft Word :
Microsoft word open : gvB‡µvmd&&U IqvW© ‡h †Kvb KvR m¤úv`b Kivi Rb¨ IqvW© †cÖvMÖvgwU I‡cb K‡i KvR Ki‡Z nq|
            Click Start Button Click All programs Click Microsoft Office Click Microsoft Word.
Microsoft word Close : gvB‡µvmd&&U IqvW© G KvR Kivi ci mg¯Í KvR¸‡jv Save/msiÿY Kivi ci IqvW© ‡cÖvMÖvgwU eÜ Ki‡Z nq|
          Click Office Button Click Close Click Office Button Click Exit Word

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